1UP – The live magazine for ideas is a new and monthly series of events in Düsseldorf. Innovative authors, artists and creatives present a report or performance in seven minutes on several topics from the fields of technology, digital culture, art, science, business and design. Each time new, diffrenent and surprising. Every edition is designed differently.
The Düsseldorf Office of Economic Development, the ExhibitionDesign Institute of the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and Design Department – Akademie für Mode und Kommunikation Düsseldorf are partners to the monthly series of events, curated by Alain Bieber.
#1upmagazin | free entrance.
Rüdiger Esch: Electri_city - Elektronische Musik aus Düsseldorf
Stella Achenbach: Identity Goods - Die Kunst der Handtasche (www.stellaachenbach.com)
Nicole Rüdiger: Jungsheft - das Pornoheft für Mädchen (www.jungsheft.de)
Sara Ginolas: ARCHAICBEATS, Teil 2 (www.saraginolas.com)
Design Department-Akademie für Mode und Kommunikation Düsseldorf: Mario Keine - TELENY. Eine Modenschau (www.designdept.de)
edi: Werkkonferenz 2015 - Neue Werkzeuge (www.werkkonferenz.de/2015)
zalar, Wohn- und Ausstellungsprojekt W57 (www.lager3.org)
Bruce Pon, Berlin: ascribe.io - manage digital creations (www.ascribe.io)