#ADA: Go fail yourself!

On the political humor of Jan Böhmermann

January 19 2018


Jan Böhmermann was honored by the Grimme Institute for his “personal contribution and merits in breaking barriers on television and the internet,” as well as for “his engaged observations and smart reflections.” No one uses the internet quite like him. No one plays with internet, politics, and audience expectations and reactions quite like him. Is it skillful satire, crude provocation, or intelligent political education? Or is it all of these things at once? Christoph Bieber, professor of ethics in political management and business at the Universität Duisburg-Essen, elucidates the political humor of Jan Böhmermann in his presentation.



Entrance is free of charge. The presentation takes place as a part of the #ADA - Academy of the Avant-garde.

Find the Facebook-Event here


Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Otto Beisheim Stiftung Hoffmann Liebs CCS