#ADA: Post-internet Arts Education
With Torsten Meyer
January 26 2018
Next Level 2016 Nrw Forum Duesseldorf Foto B Babic 17
How should twenty-first century arts look like? The project Post-Internet Arts Education at the Institut für Kunst and Kunsttheorie at the Universität zu Köln considers the changing conditions of arts education and cultural media education on the horizon of the “internet state of mind,” formative in the education of the digital native generation. The goal is to develop education theories and strategies in response to artistic and medial innovations of the twenty-first century. Torsten Meyer is an arts educator, Professor of Art and Education in Cologne. He will present the current findings of the PIAE-research. The “Because Internet” conference is planned for the Spring of 2018 in Cologne and an international congress at the NRW-forum for the Spring of 2019.
Entrance is free of charge. The presentation takes place as a part of the #ADA - Academy of the Avant-garde.