
International consumer fair

June 2 2016 – June 5 2016


Sustainica - international consumer fair, conference & art exhibition for sustainable lifestyle and innovation

Innovative solutions for a sustainable life and consumption: Parallel to the exhibition “Planet B – 100 ideas for a new world", future trends from the fashion, technology, mobility, nutrition and art industry are being presented by inventors, entrepreneurs, startups and designers from all over the world at the first issue of the Sustainica fair.

The international consumer fair is organized by the Sustainable Lifestyle Initiative in cooperation with the NRW forum in Duesseldorf. Young designers such as Gesine Jost and Carolin Schulze, as well as international businesses like Van Eko, Grohe Deutschland and FREITAG are presenting their projects. One of the main exhibitors at Sustainica is the company Tesla Motors, which is presenting their new “Model X”.

Sustainica-conference 2016

During the following Sustainica conference 2016, speakers from NGOs, businesses and the creative- and culture economy are discussing the challenges of development and sustainability by giving lectures, presentations and workshops.

→ All info & program

Partners of Sustainica are, amongst others, the United Nations Environment Programme “10YFP” from Paris, the “CSCP” in Wuppertal and the business development of the state capital Duesseldorf.


Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Otto Beisheim Stiftung Hoffmann Liebs CCS