Ausstellungsansicht Deuscthland Nrwforum88
An exhibition by Jan Böhmermann and btf
November 24 2017 – February 4 2018
Helmut Kohl is dead. The Federal Republic of Germany is shedding its skin. A world of rapid changes and a murky feeling of uncertainty among people in Germany - the present has to be mastered and contained with art. Is that still satire, or already a revolution? This is the question that Jan Böhmermann and his partners at the Bildundtonfabrik will be posing, from 24 November 2017 until 4 February 2018, with their joint exhibition at the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. In the autumn of the super election year of 2017, the collective behind Neo Magazin Royale, with the help of the visual arts, will be cementing the status quo in Germany.
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