Die GROSSE 2023

UBA3131 1 Ulrich Baatz 2e1527484d1f1595da415fb3fb1556ee

Kunstausstellung NRW

June 3 – July 9 2023

Jan Kolata, Preisträger des Kunstpreis der Künstler*innen 2023, Foto: Ulrich Baatz

By organising DIE GROSSE, the association “Verein zur Veranstaltung von Kunstausstellungen e.V.” has provided a unique platform of exchange between artists and art enthusiasts since 1902.

Each year, participating artists are selected by a different jury. All works can be purchased directly on the premises.

The exhibition presented at the Kunstpalast, NRW-Forum and Ehrenhof includes works from the fields of painting, photography, graphic art, sculpture, installation and video art.


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