The Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf’s art collection was launched in the 1970s by Fritz Kulins, then chairman of the board. The first works found their way into the collection through corporate exhibitions. The works added to the collection were primarily by students at the art academy, but also by important representatives of the Düsseldorf art scene. In 2008, a cooperation with the Kunstpalast resulted in the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf’s collection at the Kunstpalast. The artists represented in the collection have a connection to Düsseldorf or the Rhineland through their place of residence, their studies, or their personal or professional relationships.
Made in Düsseldorf #6
Highres keyvisual
Licht und Schatten
September 13 – October 27 2024
Frauke Dannert, Gropius Series, 2017, © Frauke Dannert, Foto: Ben Hermanni, Lemgo
Anna Vogel, Smiling Barn Owl, #2, 2013, Pigmentprint mit MDF Rahmung, 44 x 33 cm, Sammlung Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf im Kunstpalast, Courtesy Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf, © Anna Vogel
With these new acquisitions and the focus on the medium of photography, the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf is helping the Kunstpalast to expand its photography collection. In the annual Made in Düsseldorf exhibition, a selection of these new acquisitions – which are based on recommendations made by Linda Conze, the head of the photography collection at the Kunstpalast – are presented to the public at the NRW-Forum.
The exhibition is curated by Katharina Wettwer, curator of the Kunst- und Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf (Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Art and Cultural Foundation).
The Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf has been supporting the NRW-Forum in its exhibition and education projects as a partner of the institution since 2017. Promoting the arts and supporting cultural institutions in Düsseldorf represent an important part of the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf’s social commitment.