Thomas Albdorf
Andrey Bogush
Esther Hovers
Paul Hutchinson
Vendula Knopová
Sasha Kurmaz
Maurice van Es
Jan van der Til
Nikolas Ventourakis
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Perfect Storm C Nrw Forum Dusseldorf Foto B Babic19
The Portfolio Review is a platform for young, contemporary photography. Since 2013 the event gives young artists from all over the world the opportunity to present their work to a high-profile, international jury. The fifth portfolio review (Saturday, April 4) will be showing a selection of the best works of the past years at the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf.
Designed as a jubilee exhibition of the portfolio review, "Perfect Storm" is a presentation of current themes and approaches that characterize a young generation of photographically working artists. We produce, use, manipulate, and distribute images in countless ways. "Perfect Storm" shows works by nine artists who are concerned with our world of visual narratives and technologies and the effects on identity, memory and social life.