„What remains when I am no longer there?“ is a question that has mankind always been dealing with. To talk about it in public still seems to be a taboo. For „The Apple Tree Principle" 11 famous figures confront this question with great openness. Amongst others Egon Bahr, Wim Wenders, Friede Springer and Anne-Sophie Mutter have contributed very private insights and thoughts to this photo essay by Bettina Flitner.
The exhibition "Das Prinzip Apfelbaum. 11 Persönlichkeiten zur Frage ›Was bleibt?‹" presents large-size photographs, short films and excerpts, which will be explained via the audio guide.
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The Apple Tree Principle
Mein Erbe Tut Gutes Bettina Flitner U Alain Bieber © Thilo Schmülgen Initiative „ Mein Erbe Tut Gutes“
11 famous figures answer the question "What remains?"
October 2 – November 1 2015
Exhibition of the initiative »Mein Erbe tut Gutes. Das Prinzip Apfelbaum« with photographs by the cologne-based artist Bettina Flitner.
Ausstellungsansicht Mein Erbe tut Gutes ©-Thilo-SchmülgenInitiative-„Mein-Erbe-tut-Gutes“
The initiative »Mein Erbe tut Gutes. Das Prinzip Apfelbaum«, a union of non-profit organisations and foundations, was established
in 2013.
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