
infographics for the exhibition textile pop Textile Pop Hsniederrhein

Europeans together in sustainable design / engineering / management

May 25 – June 23 2019

TextilePop is an exhibition of students and graduates from the faculty of textile and clothing technology at the Niederrhein, University of Applied Sciences, which presents work on the topics of sustainable design, engineering and management.

Innovative product design, materials of the future, sustainable fashion management, synaesthetic design, textiles from mushroom cultures, zero waste solutions or sustainable "no plastic" design concepts for children's fashion: the interdisciplinary and international project is looking for sustainable solutions in design engineering and management that also take account of digital change. The four main themes are "Light up cultural spaces", "Next Material", "Save the future" and "Design is music".  

The students worked together with alumni and international experts including from the Royal College of Art, London and Sweden to make a European statement at the same time as the European elections in 2019.

May 24th
7 p.m.   

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The exhibition concept is developed in cooperation with edi - Exhibition Design Institute - Peter Behrens School of Arts, Hochschule Düsseldorf: Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt - Head of edi, Eric Fritsch MA + Master Students.  

TextilePop is organised by Elise Esser, Katharina Grobheiser, Franziska Poddig, Theresa Scholl and Marina E. Wax.

Partners Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Otto Beisheim Stiftung Hoffmann Liebs Max Brown Midtown CCS