Virtual Residency Program

Structural Visions from Critical Hit Dorijan Šiško 907e8c77c51c117dea9a11790ca20eb8

Art at wwwforum

July 1 – November 30 2023

When it rains, no drains! © Daniel Nehring

Interverse © Franziska Ostermann

Structural Visions from Critical Hit Dorijan Šiško

Starting in July 2023, three artists will occupy the virtual exhibition space of the NRW-Forum for one month each as part of residencies selected via an open call on The artists are invited to experiment in the virtual environment and create new digital artworks.

In events alongside the residency, we want to discuss together how the location influences their artistic work and what happens when not only the artworks are created digitally, but also the exhibition space is located in the metaverse?

The wwwforum is a three-dimensional landscape for artistic creation as well as events, exhibitions and experiments. It takes up typical elements of the NRW-Forum and augments them to produce an interactive experience space. The project is hosted by the platform JourneeX.

Structural Visions from Critical Hit © Dorijan Šiško

Dorijan Šiško - Structural Visions from Critical Hit

Residency period 1.10. - 30.10.2023
Exhibition 15.11. - 30.11.2023

Dorijan Šiško becomes an archaeologist of his own artistic work, populating the virtual landscape with figures and entities inspired by virtual tribalism and speculative design.

Exhibition Trailer

Dorijan Šiško

Dorijan Šiško is a graphic designer and multimedia artist; he is also active in the fields of video games, animation, installation, theatre and VJ-ing. Through the creation of visual-theoretical worlds, his work explores peripheral digital culture, the dark side of the internet, the future of humanity, tribalism, post-truth, virtual worlds, science fiction and popular culture.

With his project TRIBE, he graduated with honours from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana in 2019 with a Master's degree in Graphic Design. He has received two Brumen Prizes and a TRESK Award and is a member of the collectives Freštreš and Nimaš Izbire.

His work was also presented at the 34th Ljubljana Graphic Biennial - Iskra Delta. He has exhibited at institutions such as Aksioma, Osmoza, Kino Šiška, Kibla PORTAL, the Slovenian National Museum, the Ljubljana Museum of Modern Art, Jakopič Gallery, the Out to See festival in New York, etc.

Interverse © Franziska Ostermann

Franziska Ostermann - Interverse: a virtual garden of words and form

Exhibition 26.9. - 8.10.2023
Residence period 15.8. - 15.09.2023

Poetry and music, sculpture and a walking figure: Franziska Ostermann combines these elements into an interactive experience in the virtual landscape of wwwforum. In her work, she transforms writing into three-dimensional sculptures that permeate space. A wandering figure accompanies visitors on their journey through the garden of words and forms.

Concept: Franziska Ostermann
UNREAL Development: Micha Twardy
Piano composer: Michael Nickel

Exhibition Trailer

Franziska Ostermann Portrait

Franziska Ostermann, born 1992 in Kiel, is an intermedial working artist. Her focus is on the media of digital image, photography, word, video and performance.

In 2018 she graduated from the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in photography, technical image and language&form. Her own being, online and offline, is the starting point of her artistic research. Virtuality, digitality and identity are thematic pillars that span her work.

For her work, she has received grants from the Literary Colloquium Berlin, the Stiftung Kunstfonds, and awards from, for example, the British Journal of Photography, or Profifoto and Canon, as well as the BBK Schleswig-Holstein. In 2022 she received a prize from the Stuttgart Film Winter. Her video work has also been shown at the Goethe Institute in Paraguay, at the Steirischer Herbst or at the Arts& Culture Festival in Leipzig. In 2018, her poetry debut OSZIT was published. Her texts have appeared in Signaturen and Mosaik, among others. Her work is shown internationally, for example at the Cine Paris Film Festival, in New York City at Agora Gallery in Chelsea, At the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Korea or online with the British Journal of Photography at New Art City.

When it rains, no drains! © Daniel Nehring

Daniel Nehring - When it rains, no drains!

Exhibition 1.8. - 15.8.
Residence period 1.7. - 1.8.

In his concept, Daniel Nehring plays with different dimensions and materialities; the artist's drawings can be experienced spatially and form an independent place that visitors can explore.

Exhibition Trailer

Daniel Nehring Portrait Fotografin Jana Buch

Daniel Nehring (1984 in Bielefeld, Germany) lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany. He studied fine arts with a focus on sculpture at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen and at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. In 2018, he received the title of master student.

Daniel Nehring has received various scholarships and grants, including the Stiftung Kunstfonds NEUSTART KULTUR scholarship, the BBK scholarship Module C: Innovative Kunstprojekte, and the NRW Auf geht's scholarship.

His works have been shown in solo and group exhibitions nationally and also internationally, including at K21 Ständehaus, ZERO foundation, PALACE Düsseldorf and Centre des Sciences et des Arts, Saint-Ouen, Paris.


Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Otto Beisheim Stiftung Hoffmann Liebs CCS